Archive for Second Class


The girls in second class had great fun celebrating Halloween.

Road Safety

First and Second class learned all about Road Safety from The RSA thanks to their very informative workshop.

Maths Week

Second class enjoyed their Maths week activities this week.

Autumn Fun

Second Class enjoyed a lovely walk in the park today. They found lots of signs of autumn and collected many leaves and seeds on their scavenger hunt. They identified the leaves and trees using their Tree Key. Back in class the girls created beautiful art using their leaves, seeds, conkers and husks.

Space Week

First and Second Class enjoyed a Science workshop this morning in Birr library. They designed and built a rocket and enjoyed sending it into space!!! Great excitement celebrating Space Week. 🚀 🚀 🚀


Second Class have been learning all about their important milestones. They enjoyed sharing their “firsts” with the class… their first word, when they took their first steps, their first toy, first Christmas, their first birthday, first day at pre-school, first friend etc.  

Second Class

Welcome back to our new Second Class 2023/2024

Materials and Water ⛵️

First and Second Class tested different materials to create sail boats that would float when tried out! We decided on tinfoil, baking paper, straws, and sellotape and put our theory to the test 😉🛶🌊

Planting with 1st and 2nd

This term we have been learning g about all of the things plants need in order to grow! We conducted an experiment, with each girl growing their own cress seeds! We had test pots, one of which got no water, one got no soil, and one got no sunlight, to see how they would grow […]

The things we love ❤️🥰

First and Second Class recently read the book “The Heart and the Bottle” by Oliver Jeffers and were inspired to think of all of the things that we love ❤️🥰 We decorated jars filled with notes of the things we love the most, like our families, friends, pets, playing outside, cosy pyjamas and movie nights, […]

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly