Archive for Green School

Newsletter June 2023

    SUMMER NEWSLETTER 2023   Welcome to the final newsletter of the year – and what a fabulous year it has been! All classes have worked very hard and have had many wonderful experiences in school – you will read a snapshot below of these. We are delighted to announce that we will be […]

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Fourth Class prepared Christmas Shoeboxes for the Team Hope Appeal. They will make some children very happy this Christmas. Thank you girls.


After learning about our native trees the girls in fourth class explored the park to see what trees were there. They also went on a scavenger hunt looking for leaves, seeds and nuts and they used what they found to make some lovely art.

Autumn Leaves

First and Second Class went on a lovely nature walk to the park to explore some of the changes that occur during Autumn! We collected some leaves that had fallen to the ground and created leaf rubbings when we returned to the classroom! Notice the beautiful autumn colours we chose too 🍁🍂

Crina’s fantastic Moldova

Crina gave the most wonderful presentation this morning on her beautiful country of birth Moldova 🇲🇩 She shared her project with us,all about the geography, cuisine, culture and attractions of Moldova. Thank you so much…..a future teacher 💖 

Our beekeeper Emma 🐝

Our 3rd class pupil Emma gave a fantastic presentation today to 1st class,explaining all about her new hobby….bees! With the help of her parents,Emma has opened up a ‘bee hotel’ in her back garden. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us 🙌

LOFFA’S Rainbow Day 🌈

Spring 🐣🌻🌳

Second class have been learning all about the changes that occur in Spring! We have planted cress seeds, and are testing to see what happens when you take away one of the essentials for growth such as sunlight, water, or soil!  🌼🌻🌸🌺We used pointillism to create sunflowers, and created diagrams to show the different parts […]

Green School Update

Our Green School’s coordinators have worked very hard over the past number of years to ensure that we renew our Green Flag every two years. As you can see from the picture of our flag and pennants, we have completed 5 Green Flags and are working on our sixth – Global Citizenship. Keep an eye here […]

5th Class Nature Art

Fabulous Nature Art based on artist Andy Goldsworthy with Ms.Maloney this week. The girls were super creative with their pieces. Using resources the girls collected they constructed some animals and insects- they turned out AMAZING 🤩 🍃 🍁 🍂 🐘 🐱  

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly