Archive for October, 2022
Maths Week Fun

Admissions Notice 2022-2023

ANNUAL ADMISSION NOTICE in respect of admissions to the 2023/2024 school year Admission Policy and Application Form A copy of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2023/2024 school year is available as follows: – To download at On request: By emailing PART 1 – Admissions to the […]
Houses and Homes 🏡👷🏼♀️

First and Second class have spent the last couple of weeks learning about the different types of houses and homes that we all live in! We created floor plans of our homes, described the similarities and differences we found, and finally in Science built our own homes using spaghetti and marshmallows! We built amazing homes […]

After learning about our native trees the girls in fourth class explored the park to see what trees were there. They also went on a scavenger hunt looking for leaves, seeds and nuts and they used what they found to make some lovely art.
Recount and Rice Krispie Buns 😍

First and Second class have been busy these past few weeks practising their recount writing! We have worked in groups to choose the correct “Bossy Words” and “Time Words” to write some excellent recounts! Our favourite however was a recount on what we did when we made Rice Krispie buns 😍😍
Hot Air Balloons 🎈

We were so excited to see the hot air balloons return to the skies of Birr, so we created some fabulous artwork to express how excited we were. The girls did an amazing job in Ms. Teehan’s class on their hot air balloon art. 🎈 ☁️