Archive for 2023
Maths Week

Second class enjoyed their Maths week activities this week.
Autumn Fun

Second Class enjoyed a lovely walk in the park today. They found lots of signs of autumn and collected many leaves and seeds on their scavenger hunt. They identified the leaves and trees using their Tree Key. Back in class the girls created beautiful art using their leaves, seeds, conkers and husks.
Space Week

First and Second Class enjoyed a Science workshop this morning in Birr library. They designed and built a rocket and enjoyed sending it into space!!! Great excitement celebrating Space Week. 🚀 🚀 🚀
Playground fun: Senior Infants and Sixth Class!

Sixth Class taught Senior Infants some new playground games during the month of September. We really enjoyed this and wish to thank our fabulous Sixth Class girls!
Our School Fundraising Lotto

Sign up today to our school lotto on A weekly jackpot to be won! See our page above for details.
Admissions Notice 2024-2025 ANNUAL ADMISSION NOTICE in respect of admissions to the 2024/2025 school year Admission Policy and Application Form A copy of the school’s Admission Policy and the Application Form for Admission for the 2024/2025 school year is available as follows: – To download at On request: By emailing […]

Second Class have been learning all about their important milestones. They enjoyed sharing their “firsts” with the class… their first word, when they took their first steps, their first toy, first Christmas, their first birthday, first day at pre-school, first friend etc.