Archive for Second Class

Friendship week in 2nd class

  We had a great week celebrating friendship week.  We remembered our PAX vision about being kind, caring, looking out for each other.  It makes a wonderful school!

Second Class News!

  Second class have had a very busy time this year preparing for their special day- their First Holy Communion – on tomorrow 18th May. They are all so excited and are doing some beautiful singing , prayers, and they have created lovely artwork. They had a very welcome pyjama day at school today to […]

Farmyard in your School

We had a visit from the Farmyard in your School team this week – it was lovely and the girls really enjoyed interacting with the farm animals. They learned lots too!

Mr. Crofton visits Mercy P.S.

A huge thank you to Mr. Crofton for visiting our school on world book day and being the guest reader to 1st and 2nd class. We thoroughly enjoyed ‘The  Wonky Donkey’

Delicious pancakes enjoyed in 2nd


World book day in 2nd class!!!

       Well done to all the girls… made such a great effort dressing up!!! We’re havin a BRILLIANT day

Grandparents Day _ January 2019

Lights, Camel, Action!!!!! It’s strictly the nativity

          Just a few shots backstage before our performance last night.  We had soooooo much fun!!! What an experience 😉

Maths For Fun

2nd class took part in Maths for Fun. Thanks to the parents who took part in this initiative.

Halloween fun!

      What Halloween fun we had today! Beware anyone passing our school, there are very strange creatures here! Happy Halloween

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly