Archive for Latest News

First Class Gymnastics January 2013.

First class got the New Year off to a flying start with their gymnastics classes.The girls are balancing, rolling, curling, stretching,climbing,and discovering new ways of moving on the benches and climbing equpment.And some are daring enough to suspend from the bars! Watch this space for updates.       

First Class-were the angels on their Christmas Trees. Dec 2012

First class girls created beautiful golden angels using doyleys,gold paint, glitter and sequins.To add a personalised touch some children added their own photo face to the angels, while others drew their faces.Hopefully these angels added a touch of magic to their families this Christmas.Among the many other decorations made in first class were their lanterns which demanded […]

Christmas 2012 Newsletter

    Mercy Primary School, Birr Christmas Newsletter 2012 With Christmas upon us, we bring you our final newsletter of 2012. As you have seen over the last 2 newsletters, Mercy Primary School is a busy and active school and the month of December has been even busier! We started December with a beautiful Advent […]

Seasonal Activities in first class

The girls in first class have been busy with lots of seasonal activities.They are learning about Advent, the First Christmas and preparing for our Carol Service.      

Preparations for Christmas underway

Carmel Treacy came in to visit us last week to help us make some gorgeous centrepieces. We are now all set for Christmas. A huge thanks to Carmel, Ms Treacy and all the mammies that came in to help us!

Vikings Ahoy!

Ms Morrissey’s Fourth Class have just learned all about the Vikings in history. We constructed some longships in which our miniture Vikings can travel!

Solar System Explorations!

Ms Morrissey’s 4th Class have been very busy this past month exploring Space. We learned all about the planets and space travel.  We made some fabulous diorama’s and created a wall display. Have a look at what we have learned!

First Class went on a trail of Birr Town Nov 2012

First class went on a trail of Birr town.This was a follow up activity to their recent history lesson on shops in the past and shops now.They also compared Emmet square now  to what it looked like in photos from the past. The trail was an ideal opportunity to follow their individual maps and complete […]

To infinity and beyond!!

Ms O Brien’s fourth class have been very busy this month learning all about the planets, we did group projects, wrote acrostic poems and made some beautiful works of art as you can see below! We are practically experts in the great beyond so if you see one of fourth class be sure to ask […]

November 2012 Newsletter

Mercy Primary School, Birr Newsletter – November 2012                 Welcome to our second monthly newsletter from Mercy Primary School. Things have been very busy over the last month and lots of new activities are happening.   We started our month with a WSE – Whole School Evaluation. We had 3 inspectors – Moira Proctor, Brian MacGiollaphadraig […]

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly