Archive for Fifth Class

Referendum 2013 in Mercy Primary Scool

                                  All the girls of 5th and 6th class here in Mercy Primary School took part in our own Referendum last Friday.  We had an amazing, informative day with an enthusiastic turnout of 98%.  Interestingly, as it turns out, our own results matched […]

Fifth prepare for Senior County Final 2013

  As we, in Mercy Primary School, are so proud of our Birr Senior Hurling team, we decided to make some posters to decorate our school windows.  Best of luck to Birr in the county final this coming Sunday.  Biorra Abú!!!

Who says you need grass for a garden???

Ms. Ryan’s 5th class, ably helped by Mrs. Murray, decided that Mercy PS needed a garden. The lack of grass in the school did not deter them! They set about making a beautiful garden for us all to enjoy.                                  […]

Celebrating World Peace Day in Mercy Primary School

Fifth class Tour to Dublin

On Wednesday the 13th June we set off at nine o’clock on an adventure to Dublin. For some of us it was only our second time to visit our capital city. Driving into Dublin we saw lots of famous sights including The Four Courts, the Ha’penny Bridge, The Spire, Trinity College and much more. Our […]

We made our own solar system!

In science we learned about all the planets in our solar system. Then we decided to make a model of the planets using paper mache. We made the planets by covering balloons which we blew up roughly to scale and then covered them with PVA glue and tissue paper. It was a messy job, but […]

We are doing origami this month.

We are lucky enough to be doing origami this month. Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. This week we learned how to make butterflies and dogs and next week we will be making flowers. we will keep you posted on our work!

We are busy knitting!

  Here is a recent photo of our knitted patchwork quilt. We are almost finished! All that is left to do is sew it onto a fleecy blanket and raffle it for charity in June! It looks fabulous! (“,)

Growing our Sweet Pea seeds!

  This month in science we were learning about how plants grow. We decided to sow some sweet pea seeds and watch how they will grow and develop when we give them the light, soil, water and air that they need! Our sweet pea plants were getting too big on our window sill so we […]

We did fabulous quilling in art!

  Spring has sprung in our classroom with our fabulous quilling display! We learned how to roll strips of paper into coil shapes and then glue them together to make lovely flowers.

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly