Archive for Latest News

Grandparents’ Day

On Thursday 30th January, Mercy Primary School hosted its 3rd annual Grandparents’ Day. We started off with a beautiful mass in the church. We brought all the children from 2nd to 6th class and invited the Grandparents of the Sacrament classes – 2nd and 6th. After mass, we returned to the school hall, where there […]

Young Scientists

  Some of the girls from Mercy Primary School are involved in the Coderdojo Club in Birr. This year they went to the Primary Science Fair which is part of the Young Scientist Exhibition  in the RDS in Dublin and presented their project. It was called “Bread and Mould”. They presented their project to the […]

Christmas in Second Class

Second class was transformed into a Winter Wonderland for Christmas. The children made fantastic creations in Art class.                                                                                […]

Second Class Sightsavers Art Competition

Second Class entered the Junior Painter Sightsavers Art competition. The theme was: I would love to see … The girls painted some fantastic pictures. Take a look at some of their paintings.          I would love to see a ballerina.         I would love to see a tiger and […]

Catholic Schools Week

  We had a wonderful start to Catholic School’s Week – Sr. Bríd led 2 lovely Prayer Services for the Junior classes  and Senior classes.                                              Huge thanks to Sr. Bríd for leading our Prayer […]

sugar craft class

Learn how to make these beautiful roses, it’s a lot easier than you think! They would be the icing on the cake for those special cupcakes or celebration cake. Friday, January 17th, 10.00 a.m. Chesterfield Community Centre Booking necessary, contact Margaret on 086 6045024. Only 4 places left! Only 2 euros!

First Class-Gymnastics-January 2014

        Balancing, rolling, making bridges on the benches are only some of the activities that first class can do at gymnastics class! More to follow!!

First Class January Activities 2014

First class are enjoying “Story Sacks” this week ( Jan 13th-17th) and are getting involved in many follow-on activities to their story “Bear Snores On”. Many thanks to all of the parents who came to our class and gave of their time  – and put a smile on so many faces!! Mrs. Fitzgerald kindly put  these […]

Parents Baking Class

Next Baking Class – January,  Friday 24th at 10.00am If you would like to join in contact me, Margaret,  on 086 6045024

Christmas Art Around the School

There was lots of wonderful Christmas Art done throughout the school.                                                                                                  […]

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly