Archive for Latest News

Our New Mural

We decided the PE Halla was looking a little bare – what could we do? Mrs. Murray had a brainwave and here are the results:                                              Aren’t they wonderful? Mrs Murray and her daughter Eve […]

Referendum 2013 in Mercy Primary Scool

                                  All the girls of 5th and 6th class here in Mercy Primary School took part in our own Referendum last Friday.  We had an amazing, informative day with an enthusiastic turnout of 98%.  Interestingly, as it turns out, our own results matched […]

Newsletter September 2013

Mercy Primary School, Birr, Newsletter September 2013   Welcome back to Mercy Primary School for another year. This is the first of our monthly newsletter for the year 2013/2014. We are looking forward to all the great activities that will take place in our classrooms and school. We are well settled back in and lots […]

Our School is Looking Good!

Over the summer, our caretaker, Ger Roberts worked very hard to brighten up Mercy Primary School. Railings were painted, flowers taken care of and the school was very well looked after. Huge thanks is due to Ger for making our school look so good.                       […]

Clara Bog Presentation in Fourth Class

Therese from Clara Bog came to our school and did a presentation on Clara Bog, the animal and plant life and the importance of the bog.         Therese brought moss from the bog to show us.         This moss has antiseptic qualities and has been used in healing remedies […]

Learning about Lungs in 4th

We learned all about our Respiratory System in Fourth Class.  The lungs are an extremely important organ and we should do our best to keep them as healthy as possible.  Making healthy choices and exercise are very important to for our lungs to function to the best of their ability.  We have very good lungs […]

First Class Activities Oct 2013

First class girls painted lovely self portraits inspired by pop artist Julian Opie. They also used painted leaf prints to create an Autumnal background for their hungry hedgehogs!

Fifth prepare for Senior County Final 2013

  As we, in Mercy Primary School, are so proud of our Birr Senior Hurling team, we decided to make some posters to decorate our school windows.  Best of luck to Birr in the county final this coming Sunday.  Biorra Abú!!!

Who says you need grass for a garden???

Ms. Ryan’s 5th class, ably helped by Mrs. Murray, decided that Mercy PS needed a garden. The lack of grass in the school did not deter them! They set about making a beautiful garden for us all to enjoy.                                  […]

Celebrating World Peace Day in Mercy Primary School

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly