Archive for Latest News

Minibeasts are plentiful in Mercy Primary School!!!

Senior Infants took full advantage of the good weather and decided to go on a minibeast hunt.  We were very successful.  There are lots of minibeasts in Mercy Primary School!!         

Making buns ! Procedural Writing – Junior and Senior Infants.


We are doing origami this month.

We are lucky enough to be doing origami this month. Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. This week we learned how to make butterflies and dogs and next week we will be making flowers. we will keep you posted on our work!

Summer is coming in Senior Infants!

‘Tá an Samhradh ag teacht’ in Senior Infants.  Dora has her ‘spéaclaí gréine’ ready and we have our ‘buicéad agus spád’ bought.  Here comes the Summer!!!!     

Junior Infants learned about the life cycle of a frog. We found out the different stages then sequenced them using models, our interactive whiteboard and cutting and pasting activites.


Playtime involves lots of different activities.


Life Cycle of a Frog

Second class, with Ms. Kelly have been finding out this week all about the life cycle of a frog. They completed these group projects which were very interesting.  

Super Samba in Senior Infants!

Senior Infants have been busy for the past few weeks learning new Rhythms and now we have transferred them onto our FABULOUS Samba drumming kit.  The louder, the better is our motto!    

Busy Start to the New Term in Third Class.

                                We are learning all about plants. We each sowed our own Sunflower seed and we are going to water them and place them in sunlight to help them grow. We are also carrying out an experiment to show what happens when a plant is put in a dark place and also […]

Second Class Construction Project

Over the last month second class have been planning and completing a construction project in art. They created various types of houses. Firstly they drew up their plans, then they constructed their own houses. They were delighted with the results and their hard work paid off! The various houses include: bungalows, cottages, apartments, semi-detached, detached, […]

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly