Archive for Latest News


Tennis is a big hit with the girls in Fourth Class!!!

Fourth Class

Fourth Class 2021-2022

Tennis fun in 3rd

  We had so much fun yesterday with Dermot – our tennis coach. We can’t wait until our next lesson

More Summer Camp Fun

Summer Camp August 2021

We held a very successful summer camp the last week of August. The sun shone on us and the girls had a ball.

Sixth Class Graduation 2021

Our fabulous Sixth Class had their Graduation Ceremony on Friday June 18th. We wish them the very best of luck in the future.  

The Scarecrow’s Wedding

Today, Junior and Senior Infants celebrated two important occasions; recent birthdays and  Betty O Barley and Harry O Hay’s Wedding. The children wore pink flowers in their hair and made necklaces for the celebration. Happy Birthday Sorcha, Mariana, Eden and Blanka! !              

April Showers

Fourth Class created beautiful art pieces entitled “April Showers bring May Flowers”.

Happy Easter

Happy Easter to you all from Rang 4. Enjoy the holidays and keep safe! 🐣🐰

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daoibh go léir… A very happy St. Patrick’s day to you all from Rang 4.

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly