Science Week Fun in 5th Class!

The Young Einsteins

We had great fun questioning, predicting, investigating and experimenting!

From paper rockets to exploding rockets in the school yard.

From Lava lamps to tornadoes in a bottle to coloured skittles.

From chromatography to transpiration in plants.

From inventive healthy smoothies to sucking eggs in a bottle!

From Electric quizzes to invisible ink.

We learned a great deal and we love our science!



Our many experiments!


Senior Infants came to visit!

Try our electric quiz. The light shines bright when you get it right! Well done Ava from 3rd class!


Would you like to try our healthy smoothies?


The Smoothie Entrepreneurs!


All set and ready to go with our experiments showing transpiration in plants and chromatography!



Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly