Archive for Second Class

Grandparents’ Day

On Thursday 30th January, Mercy Primary School hosted its 3rd annual Grandparents’ Day. We started off with a beautiful mass in the church. We brought all the children from 2nd to 6th class and invited the Grandparents of the Sacrament classes – 2nd and 6th. After mass, we returned to the school hall, where there […]

Christmas in Second Class

Second class was transformed into a Winter Wonderland for Christmas. The children made fantastic creations in Art class.                                                                                […]

Second Class Sightsavers Art Competition

Second Class entered the Junior Painter Sightsavers Art competition. The theme was: I would love to see … The girls painted some fantastic pictures. Take a look at some of their paintings.          I would love to see a ballerina.         I would love to see a tiger and […]

Science Week in 2nd class

2nd class learned all about Floating and Sinking for Science Week.                  They guessed which items would float and sink and then carried out experiments to see what happened.                                            […]

Music in Second Class

The girls have started learning the tin whistle. They are practicing at home and in school and are enjoying it very much.

Halloween in Second Class

                            Second Class enjoyed learning about the history of Halloween in SESE. They compared how their parents / grandparents celebrated Halloween when they were young to how children celebrate it now. The children then found out about El Dia de los Muertos, the Mexican Halloween celebration. In English Class the children wrote […]

Tree Day

2nd Class visited Mill Island Park for Tree Day. They looked at lots of deciduous trees and noticed how the leaves, seeds and fruits differed from tree to tree. The girls collected many leaves and seeds for our class Autumn table.  They took lovely colourful leaf rubbings and these were placed on our class Autumn Tree. […]

Clara Bog

On October 2nd Second Class participated in a workshop on Clara Bog. They learned lots of new and fascinating facts about the bog and the creatures and plants to be found there.      

2nd Class have ‘Gotta Lotta Colour’

Second Class entered The Credit Union Art Competition entitled ‘Gotta Lotta Colour’. They created beautiful colourful pictures.         

Maths For Fun in 2nd Class

                 Second Class took part in Maths for Fun during September and October. They played lots of different games – board games, card games and they also created lovely pictures using 2d shapes. The girls really enjoyed it. So too did all the Mams and Dads!!  

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Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly