Engineers Week

Engineers Week

by Aoife McMahon

Recently, 4th, 5th and 6th classes went to Birr Theatre for Engineers Week. The show was called “Who Wants To Be A Superhero?” The lady presenting the show was an engineer. She told us what scientists and engineers do, how planes fly, how we can see through the dust in space, how engineers make playgrounds safer to play in and how we can save the planet.

There are different types of engineers: Civil engineers who design bridges and roads, software engineers who design computer programmes and aerospace engineers who design aeroplanes and aeroplane parts.

She did some experiments and got volunteers to help. Makalah and Ella had to build a bridge from foam blocks. We learned that it’s better to build a curved bridge as there will be less stress. Leanne volunteered to help with the gravity experiment. Becky used friction to warm her hands up.

We all loved Engineers Week and everyone had so much fun!          


Mercy Primary School, Birr, Co. Offaly